Expert advice

Differences between cross-docking and dropshipping

The rapid growth of the e-commerce market over the past two decades has posed entirely new challenges for manufacturers, distributors and shop owners.  ·  5 min read

remove_red_eye 792 views

Description of the health and safety wholesaler

Whether the focus of your business is retail, service or manufacturing, health and safety items are an essential part of any company's...  ·  2 min read

remove_red_eye 690 views

Use of images from the internet and copyright

Running a business often involves the use of various graphics. You publish images on your website, flyers or social media, often without realising whether the images in question are copyrighted.  ·  3 min read

remove_red_eye 761 views

What is a VPN, is it worth using one?

Are there times when you wonder what data flows out during your session when you're surfing the web?  ·  3 min read

remove_red_eye 905 views

Differences between small and large wholesalers (advantages and disadvantages)

The differences between small and large wholesalers are apparent in many aspects of their business. They concern both the manner and the range of services provided to customers.  ·  4 min read

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Creating videos on YouTube (in a nutshell) - from zero to upload (part 2)

Recording and creating YouTube videos - step by step  ·  4 min read

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Creating videos on YouTube (in a nutshell) - from zero to upload (part 1)

How to create a YouTube channel and how to create videos?  ·  2 min read

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What should characterise a good wholesaler?

Choosing the right wholesaler for an online shop owner can be challenging. Regardless of the industry the retailer is in, a thorough analysis of the wholesaler...  ·  2 min read

remove_red_eye 851 views

Http & https protocol - differences

The abbreviations http and https are present whenever we browse the Internet. Does the difference between http and https affect our information retrieval?  ·  3 min read

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Application front-end and back-end (part 2)

A back-end is a part of a web application embedded on the application provider's server. It usually consists of two layers - the database or databases and the code of the actual application.  ·  3 min read

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